lunes, 29 de octubre de 2012

Oh Oh Oh....Simio Style!!

'Simio' that's his nickname, because when she could not speak toward the sound of a monkey while pointing with his finger the object she wanted

She is my little sister, her name is Sandra equal that my mom, the photo was taken in 2009 on some of my trips to Chillan to see her, I do not live with her, as my mother remarried and went to live to Chillan with the Sandrita father,  in the picture must have less than a year old, when she was photographed, she was sitting on top of a bunk bed with her pink dress and smelling of baby.
The photo is special to me because it reminds me every day that my role as older sister, four years ago be multiplied twice. Moreover  I like because captures the moment  just of a smile and a flirty look. Now the baby of photography, me to reach me above the waist, she have long hair, more teeth, she talk without taking a moment to breathe and has the most fantastic stories I have ever heard. Despite that there is not one day that I do not estuary remembering our meaningless conversations and her small voice saying that he loves me <3

sábado, 20 de octubre de 2012

Questions... Preguntonas ~

  • What is your opinion about divination?
I do not believe in things like divination because I am of those people who live day to day. Besides is boring that someone else tell me through tarot, read tea leaves or other methods of divination how will my life in the future.

  • What is your opinion about killing stray dogs?

I find it the most cowardly of acts,, the source of stray dogs is caused by the irresponsibility of the people who called themselves "owners",
The problem is that female dogs they reproduce and increases animal population, the most correct solution is that each municipality have kennels or sterilization campaigns.

  • What is your opinion on climate change?
All the fault is the humans, for their ignorance and their desire wealth, for example the construction of large polluting industries that produce millions of dollars a year to the country, but they involve the destruction of habitats and environmental imbalance. Now nature invoice charges us, how say "you reap what you sow".

  • What is your opinion on women in the military?
This shows that little by little this world male-dominated considers female power is a necessary good for protecting the country.

  • What is your opinion about recycling?
Is a solution that would exchange the environmental state of the world, if only it were not a practice done by so few people.

lunes, 1 de octubre de 2012

Why do I want to be a vet?

I think from a very young my dream was to be a veterinarian when I was old enough to pursue a career in university, my family opposed and I finished entering forestry engineering. In that same period, I thought study agronomic engineering because it has a mention about animal.
I decided to be a vet last year, thanks to my work in 'Mundo Granja' I realized that animals were my true passion and I wanted devote my life to them if possible.
My experience in the university  has been nice, I have met wonderful people and I have done things I did not know I was capable of doing. I think that university is a necessary step to form us as human beings and help this world.
My expectations for a job future, it is an activity that to allows me to be satisfied with myself.

A picture of my dog... Josefa <3
another reason for wanting to be a veterinarian