lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2012

Webquest 3

 A) About horses:

1. What are the the 5 most common pathologies of horses. Mention them anf give a little descriptiohn too.

  • TETANUS: Tetanus is caused by a bacterial toxin normally found in the soil and in the feces of horses. Symptoms of tetanus include a protrusion about eyelid and stiff neck, progressing to overall muscle stiffness.
  • EQUINE INFLUENZA:  This viral disease, the signs include sudden onset of fever, watery nasal discharge, weakness, loss of appetite and depression etc. Infection with equine influenza is rarely fatal but can cause problems such as emphysema, pneumonia or bronchitis.
  • RABIES: This is a viral infection of the central nervous system, rabies can be transmitted to horses by others infected animals. This is disease uncommon.
  •  COLIC: This is gastrointestinal problem. The colic can be caused by anything from impaction in the intestines to a stomach ache form eating too much or too fas. 
  • LAMINITIS: This a disease of the hoof that is inflammation the digital laminae making it difficult for the hourse to walk without pain.
2. Publish a picture of the horse's skeletal system (with names)


3. Publish a picture of the horse's internal system (main organs) (with names)

 B) Choose one of these farm animals:  sheep, pig or chicken

 1. Choose a good website that refers to your animal. Explain why you like the website. (40 words)

The webssite that I like is the because is the only page that display information about the pigs. The page content, speak from description and behavior up health issues.  Moreover we can find pictures and pig sounds to listen.

2. Find a good picture showing (with names) the animal's external anatomy. 

lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2012

South Korea ~


The country that I would like to visit is South Korea because it has many historical places like temples, imperial castles and modern buildings that have adapted to the past. This country is known for spicy food like kimchi, their culture is very interesting especially when they show respect for the elderly.
Currently Korea has gained popularity for the song "Oppa Gangnan Style" by the PSY singer.

Besides visiting the capital (Seoul), I would go to Jeju Island, chosen one of the seven wonders of the world last year by popular vote by Internet. It has beautiful white sand beaches and fields of flowers with the most vibrant colors.

I dream of living in Korea because it is a very different country to Chile, but I see it very distant because the language is very difficult to learn. On the other hand live on  in Korea is very expensive, housing, food and needs basic, can mean a significant amount money.

Despite being an industrialized country there is a marked difference between men and women, this is the part that I not like about this country.

Jeju Island

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012

Webquest 2

1. Choose 2 photos that you like and say why you like them or describing them (30 words each). Post the pictures too.

The photograph shows a Coker Spaniel puppy, the expression on his face suggests he is about to fall asleep. I like it because it reminds me of my pet at that age.

This image is of a mother panda and her son in an attitude of play. I like the photo because it confirms that the game is fundamental part of learning a baby.

2. Choose 2 videos that you like and describe each of them in about 40 words. Post their links.

The name of the video is "Cobra v / s Mongoose", speak about the caracteristic of the Cobra, this is a very aggressive snake especially when a predator is near. Also speaks about the mongoose, that is a very curious animals and her favorite food is this snake. At the end both fight, and the mongoose eats the cobra.

The name of the video is "World's Deadliest: Tiger vs. Deer "talks about feeding tigers, in the summer come close to lakes where they hunt deer. The Tigers they walk with cautious approach and they attack deer, then will eat on the herb.

3. Recommend any other section or subsection of the website. (40 words) 

I liked and therefore recommend the Animals section of the website of National Geographic, because in a didactic (photos, videos, etc) can learn about different animals, their habits and habitats regardless of color, race or sex of the species existing around the world.